Thursday, July 21, 2016

MVB is looking for Spikers and Setters

Hi Guys, MVB is looking for:
POSITION: Spikers and Setters
WHAT: July MVB Shuffle Tournament with 6 teams
DATE: July 23 Sat
TIME & VENUE: 1pm-8pm for the league at Letran Calamba. 8pm onwards overnight at Luna Vista Resort in Pansol Laguna
FEE: P1000
Note: Transportation is being arranged. 5 slots left!
To confirm, kindly text 09177237309. Thank you.

Monday, July 4, 2016

MVB Best Server

Best Server

Each play starts off with a serve. It is the only skill in volleyball where the player has complete control. It can be an underhand or overhead serve. Regardless of the type of serve, the serve can become the team's initial offensive weapon. This player made the most points out his serves by converting his serves into aces. CONGRATULATIONS for winning BEST SERVER!

Best Server, Runner Up
"Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit." Congratulations for Winning Best Server, Runner Up!